CVG Calculator

def calculate_CVG(input_type, input_value): if input_type == 'total_weight': total_weight = input_value elif input_type == 'dry_coco_weight': total_weight = input_value / (0.130434783 * 0.80701754 * 0.99) else: return "Invalid input type. Please choose 'total_weight' or 'dry_coco_weight'." # calculations total_CV_weight = total_weight * 0.99 hydrated_coco_weight = total_CV_weight * 0.80701754 vermiculite_weight = total_CV_weight * 0.192982456 dry_coco_weight = hydrated_coco_weight * 0.130434783 water_weight = hydrated_coco_weight * 0.869565217 hydrated_coco_volume = hydrated_coco_weight * (10 / 4.6) vermiculite_volume = vermiculite_weight * (1 / 0.110) gypsum_weight = total_weight * 0.01 gypsum_volume = gypsum_weight / 2.96 total_volume = hydrated_coco_volume + vermiculite_volume + gypsum_volume # create a dictionary to return the results results = { "Dry Coco Weight (kg)": round(dry_coco_weight, 2), "Water Needed (kg)": round(water_weight, 2), "Hydrated Coco Weight (kg)": round(hydrated_coco_weight, 2), "Hydrated Coco Volume (L)": round(hydrated_coco_volume, 2), "Vermiculite Weight Needed (kg)": round(vermiculite_weight, 2), "Vermiculite Volume Needed (L)": round(vermiculite_volume, 2), "Gypsum Weight Needed (kg)": round(gypsum_weight, 4), "Total Quantity (L)": round(total_volume, 2), "Total CVG Weight Created (kg)": round(total_weight, 2) } return results # Test the function with an example calculate_CVG('total_weight', 10)

CVG Instructions:

  1. Prepare Coco Coir Blocks: If you have coco coir blocks, hydrate them by placing them in a container and gradually adding warm water. Break the coir into smaller pieces after it absorbs the moisture. Be cautious not to over-hydrate at this point.

  2. Measure Coco and Vermiculite Precisely: In separate containers, measure the hydrated coco coir and vermiculite in equal parts by volume, following a 50/50 ratio. Add gypsum at 1% of the total weight of the mixture.

  3. Check Field Capacity: Ensure the substrate's field capacity is right. Grab a handful of the hydrated substrate and squeeze it to check for 1-3 drops of water. Be cautious not to over-hydrate the mix.

  4. Bag the CVG: Transfer the prepared CVG substrate into a suitable bag. This step sets the stage for sterilization.

  5. Sterilize at 15 PSI for 2 Hours: Place the bagged CVG substrate in a pressure cooker and heat it to 15 PSI for 2 hours. This process is crucial to eliminate contaminants and ensure a clean substrate for mushroom cultivation.

  6. Cool:After sterilization, allow the substrate to cool to room temperature.